Monday, April 16, 2012

How do you grow black hair long and strong?

I'm a mother of a little 4 y/o black girl and I'm not sure how to grow her hair long and strong. I never quite got the hang of how to do a little kids hair. Mines is long and always has been but my mom died a little while ago and I never asked her how she did my hair.

How do you grow black hair long and strong?

Um...this is in the wrong section and I don't have any kids but I do know how to grow young hair.

When you wash it make sure you deep condition it. It's best to blow dry it in sections and moisturize with pink oil or olive oil creme before doing so. Just take a section of hair and comb it while blow drying it. Since she's young this is the best method of moisturizing and straightning her hair without having to use a hot comb. Grease her scalp weekly and have her wear braids and ponytails alot. When she's around the age of 9-11 she might want her hair straightened, so do so with flat iron, don't perm it. You can get the same results with a less harsher process.

How do you grow black hair long and strong?

You should try this in the hair section.

How do you grow black hair long and strong?

make sure that you keep moisturizing the hair and make sure that you wash her hair every now and then. wash it every other day and make sure that it does not dry out. drying out is the major cause of hair loss or hair weakening. i hope that you can get your daugheter's hair nice and strong.

wishing you the best of luck.

How do you grow black hair long and strong?

My friend puts olive oil-based products on hers to moisturize and keep it from breaking.

How do you grow black hair long and strong?

What do you remember about how your mom did your hair? However she did it, you do the same to your daughter.

Also, steer clear of chemicals and put the hair up on cute buns and once in a while it's ok to use a hot comb but not too often. I have very fine hair and I am Black. I don't do a lot to it, but wash it with Pantene and a good Pantene conditioner too. I then put some leave-in conditioner in it and put it in little clips and sometimes I wear it down. My hair is about at my buttock's length now because I stopped using chemicals just over a year ago.

It was short before then when I used relaxers, etc.

There is a book called "Good Hair" by Lonnice Brittenun Bonner. You can get it at or eBay. Every Black woman should have it.

How do you grow black hair long and strong?

You can get long hair without chemicals (relaxers)

Locks,braids (pretty esp when you make them shiny!)

cornrows, you can even just cornrow half of it. Look for a book in your library and you'll be surprised at what's out there! Consider all options.

Please dont go shell out 500$ for some false hair (weave), curly natural hair can be very beautiful. :)

How do you grow black hair long and strong?

I don't know or really care.

How do you grow black hair long and strong?

just get a weave, its easier and changable.

How do you grow black hair long and strong?

Have you ever hard of weve hair. Plese do not go around and say it is native american hair, that get me angry.

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